Miloš Olík
Gender: Male
Year of birth: 1976
Nationality: Czechia
Type of practitioner:
Counsel, Arbitrator, Expert, Mediator
Jurisdiction(s) in which admitted to practice (if applicable):
Fields of legal expertise:
Civil law, European law, International law
Practice areas:
Joint Ventures, Cooperation, Energy and Natural Resources, Finance and Banking, Real Estate, Construction, Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Insurance, Sports, Corporate Law / M&A, Tax Law/ Accountancy, Investment Law/ Public International Law
Contact details
Na Pankraci 1683/127
Prague, Czech Republic 14000
- Czech: Native
- English: Fluent
- Russian: Fluent
- German: Basic
- Slovak: Fluent
Relevant arbitration experience:
Over 200 as arbitrator (ICC, VIAC, ICSID, UNCITRAL, Czech Arbitration Court, domestic ad hoc, Czech Football Association, LCIA)
Over 100 as counsel (ICC, ICSID, UNCITRAL, SCC, Czech Arbitration Court, domestic ad hoc)
Education & certifications:
Ph.D., Charles University, Faculty of Law, Prague
Ing., International Relations, University of Economics, Prague
FCIArb, Fellow of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
LL.M., European Business Law, Nottingham Trent University
Olík M., Duffek L., Karešová Kucharčuk M.: Commercial mediation: a way to quickly resolve disputes between construction company and client, (19 October 2022), available at
• Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk, M.: Can you lawfully offer goods and services under a domain name that is interchangeable with a third party's protected designation?, 4/2022, available here
• Olík, M., Coufalová, L.: Mediation as a tool for dispute resolution in commercial relations, Private Law 6/2021, Wolters Kluwer, Prague 2021
• Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk, M.: Czech Republic: Does a Right to a Physical Hearing Exist in International Arbitration? (co-author), ICCA Report, edited by J. Hosking, Y. Lahlou, G. R. Elgueta, 8 February 2021, available here
• Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk, M.: On the Way of Implementation of the UNCITRAL Model Law for International Commercial Arbitration into the Czech Legal System, Commercial Law 9/2020, Prague: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2020
• Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk, M., Halfar, F.: E-hearing in arbitration proceedings, (27 May 2020) available here
• Olík, M.: International arbitrations may speed up after the coronacrisis. Rowan Legal wants "e-hearing" in the Czech Republic, INFO.CZ, 8 June 2020
• Olík, M., Čáp, M., Heyduk, J.: Investment Arbitration in the Czech Republic, in Investment Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe, Law and Practice, Elgar Arbitration Law and Practice series, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, 2019
• Olík, M., Karešová Kucharčuk, M.: Czech Arbitration Proceedings under the ICC Rules: on the Obligation to Attach Arbitration Rules to the Arbitration Agreement, Private Law 7-8/2019, Wolters Kluwer, Prague, 2019
• Horáček, T., Svatoš, M., Olík, M.: Mediation Act. Commentary, 1st edition, Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2019
• Olík, M.: ICCA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, National Report for the Czech Republic, Kluwer Law International, 2018
• Olík, M., Maisner, M., Pokorný, R., Málek, P., Janoušek, M.: Law on Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards. Commentary, 2nd edition, Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2017
• Olík, M., Čáp, M.: New ICC Arbitration Rules aim to speed up and cheapen out-of-court dispute resolution at the ICC, EPRAVO.CZ, 2017
• Olík, M., Čáp, M.: New Regulation on the European Account Preservation Order will help creditors, Právní rádce, 2017
Olík, M., Čáp, M.: The end of consumer-business arbitration in the Czech Republic, Právní rádce, 2016
• Olík, M., Čáp, M.: Mediation and big law firms: what is mediation, what are its advantages and why offer these services to clients, EPRAVO.CZ Digital, 2016
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• Olík, M., Šubrt, M.: Penalty reduction of insurance benefits in non-life insurance, EPRAVO.CZ Digital, 2016
• Olík, M.: Case Notes – Court of Justice of the European Union to Rule on the Compatibility of intra-EU BITs with EU law in the Achmea B.V. vs. the Slovak Republic case, Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, the Czech Society for International Law, Prague 2016
• Olík, M., Čáp, M.: Comparison of Settlement Efforts by Arbitrators and Mediators, in (2016) 82 Arbitration. The International Journal
• Mičinský, Ľ., Olík, M.: New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Commentary), Wolters Kluwer, Bratislava, 2016
• Olík, M., Maisner, M., Pokorný, R., Málek, P., Janoušek, M.: Law on Arbitration and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards. Commentary, Prague: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2015
• Olík, M.: Proceedings before the Arbitration Commission of a Sports Association, in Pichrt, J. (ed.) Sport and (not only) Labour Law. Prague: Wolters Kluwer, 2014
• Olík, M., Heřmánková, G.: Findings of the Arbitration Commission are gaining in importance, Právní rádce 9/2014
• Olík, M., Jahodníková, Z.: And never the twain shall meet: Parallel Arbitral and court proceedings within the sphere of international investment arbitration, in Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law, Czech Society for International Law, Prague, 2014
• Maisner, M., Olík, M.: ICCA Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, National Report for Czech Republic, Kluwer Law International, 2014
• Olik, M., Maisner, M.: Mediation 2014; chapter for the Czech Republic, Law Business Research, 2013
• Olík, M., Mičinský, Ľ.: Mediation 2014; chapter for Slovakia, Law Business Research, 2013
• Olík, M., Mičinský, Ľ.: Mediation 2013; chapter for Slovakia, Law Business Research, 2012
• Olík, M., Maisner, M.: Mediation 2013; chapter for the Czech Republic, Law Business Research, 2012
• Olík, M., Fyrbach, D.: Competenta tribunalelor arbitrale specializate in investitii de a le solicita instantelor europene pronuntarea de hotarari preliminare, in Revista Romana de Drept European 6/2012, Wolters Kluwer Romania, 2012
• Olík, M.: Right to be instructed by the arbitral tribunal. The European & Middle Eastern Arbitration Review 2012, GAR, 2012
• Olík, M., Fyrbach, D.: The Competence of Investment Arbitration Tribunals to Seek Preliminary Rulings from European Courts. CZECH YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, p. 191, 2011.
• Podešva, V., Olík, M., Janoušek, M., Stránský, J.: Public Procurement Act. Commentary. 2nd edition. Prague: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a.s., 2011
• Fyrbach, D., Olík, M.: Are the Intra-EU Investment Disputes at their End/How the EU may contribute to the Effectiveness of Intra-EU Investment Disputes, The European & Middle Eastern Arbitration Review 2011, GAR, 2011
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