C Alexe ARBFLP19 2

Dr Cristina Alexe, FCIArb

Independent Arbitrator, ACEADVISOR Attorneys at Law,


Gender: Female

Year of birth: 1976

Nationality: Romania

Type of practitioner:

Counsel, Arbitrator, Expert, Other

Jurisdiction(s) in which admitted to practice (if applicable):


Fields of legal expertise:

Civil law, International law

Practice areas:

Distribution, Franchising, Joint Ventures, Cooperation, Agency (Representation), Finance and Banking, Real Estate, Construction, Engineering, Sales, Purchases, Consultancy Services, Insurance, Corporate Law / M&A, Other

Contact details


40 Ardealului Street, apt 2, District 1
Bucharest, Romania 013435




Dr Cristina Alexe FCIArb <cristina@aceadvisor.ro>




  • Romanian: Native
  • English: Native
  • French: Basic

Relevant arbitration experience:

Over sixty (60) domestic and international arbitrations under ICC Rules, DIS Rules, VIAC Rules, Rules of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CICA CCIR), ICSID and UNCITRAL out of which thirty-nine (39) mandates as arbitrator with fourteen (14) international arbitrations and the rest as counsel.
Arbitration experience is doubled by strong knowledge and continued practice as a transactional
lawyer in M&A/privatisation, banking and finance, real estate and project finance areas for the past 24 years acting as counsel.

Education & certifications:

- Fellow with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (2016)

- ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy for Central and Eastern Europe (2014 - 2015) Graduated a unique two-year basis advanced level training designed for professionals interested in pursuing a career as an international arbitrator held under auspices of the ICC Institute of World Business Law and ICC International Court of Arbitration

- Ph.D. in Civil Procedure - highest distinction, summa cum laude, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest (January 2008) “The Civil Trial Judge Between an Active Role and Arbitrariness. Comparative Studies.” Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Viorel Mihai Ciobanu

- Trained and registered mediator (2007 – 2008)

- Bachelor of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest (September 1994 – June 1998)



- „The Civil Trial Judge Between an Active Role and Arbitrariness”, vol. I and vol. II, CH Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008; (in Romanian, original title: “Judecătorul în procesul civil, între rol activ şi arbitrar”).

- Co-author in „The Binding Character of Arbitral Awards”, D. M. Şandru and Andrei Săvescu (eds) „Forţa juridică a hotătărârilor arbitrale”, Universitaria Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012.

Publications and Conferences

- Editorials and pro-active editing of all quarterly issues of the Romanian Arbitration Journal, Wolters Kluwer since 2019 until the present

-“Argument(s) in favour of a timely reasoning of national court judgements (also) in civil procedure”, Andrea Anamaria Chiș, Cristina Alexe, Roxana Dan, (In honorem studies for professor Viorel Mihai Ciobanu, M. Nicolae, T. Briciu (eds) Universul Juridic, 2022)

-“National Court Procedures and Arbitral Proceedings - Cross Pollination. Certain de lege ferenda Proposals”, Cristina Alexe, Dr Andrea Anamaria Chiș, Liviu Zidaru, Revista Română de Arbitraj (Romanian Arbitration Journal) no. 4/2021.

-“ICC Arbitration Uncovered: Key trends, tools and tactics”, Speaker at ICC Conference in Bratislava on Mediation and expert determination as pre-requisites to arbitration, 8 June 2023

- IBA Arb40 Toolkit for Award Writing launch in Bucharest conference, Speaker, 17 February 2023

- “Arbitrating Construction Disputes”, Speaker, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators European Branch, Milano, 20 January 2023

- ”Arbitration in European law context”, Speaker, JURIDICE conference, 18 January 2023

- ” Experience in Arbitration”, Speaker JURIDICE conference, 11 October 2022

- “International Arbitration in the Real World: A How-To Guide to the Delos Rules”, a DELOS Dispute Resolution conference held as speaker together with Thomas Granier, 24 November 2021

-6 February 2020: RAA- CEA Conference on Arbitration and Corruption with “Corruption in arbitral institutions. The Romanian Example” (https://arbitration.ru/en/events/conference/raa-cea-conference-arbitration-and-corruption/index.php with material available on site)

- “Latest Amendment to New Civil Procedure Code Cures Unclear Setting Aside Provision”, ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin Issue no. 1 of 2018.

- „Interpreting one version of a pathological arbitration clause under the ICC Rules”, Revista Română de Arbitraj (Romanian Arbitration Journal) no. 3/2016.

- „From Autonomy to Delocalisation in international commercial arbitration – the French experience and the Romanian echo” co-author together with F. Nitu (In Romanian, original title: ”De la autonomia clauzei arbitrale la doctrina delocalizării – experienţa franceză şi efectele ei în spaţiul românesc”, Revista Română de Arbitraj (Romanian Arbitration Journal) no. 3/2014; (in Romanian).

-„Impact of the New Civil Procedure Code”, 4 April 2013, Finantistii.ro (in Romanian).

- „Revision proposals for the Council Regulation (EC) no. 44/2001 concerning arbitration”, co-author together with C. Dontu, Revista Română de Arbitraj (Romanian Arbitration Journal) no. 3/2012; (in Romanian).

-Contributor for „Arbitrating and Mediating Disputes in Bucharest, Romania - Survey of the Investing Across Borders Project 2012”, World Bank Group (The World Bank, International Finance Corporation and World Bank Group Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency), 2011 and 2009 Editions.

- „The Need to Protect the Romanian Judge from Obstruction of Justice”, Pandectele Române no. 3/2007; (in Romanian, original title: “Nevoia protejării judecătorului român faţă de obstrucţionarea justiţiei”).

-Co-author for „Premerger Coordination: The Emerging Law of Gun Jumping and Information Exchange” de W.J. Vigdor, 2006.

- „Communications Handbook 2005”, co-author together with F. Nitu, Country Q&A - Romania, seria Cross-Border Handbooks, Practical Law, March 2005.

-„The Active Role of the Judge and the Risk of Procedural Rights Abuse in Romanian Civil Procedure - Part I - The Legal Order and The Role of the Judge, Pandectele Române no. 2/2005; (in Romanian, original title: “Rolul activ al judecătorului şi riscul abuzului de drept în procesul civil român Partea I - Ordinea juridică şi rolul judecătorului actual.”).

-„The Active Role of the Judge and the Risk of Procedural Rights Abuse in Romanian Civil Procedure - Part II - The Active Role of the Romanian Judge Today.”, Pandectele Române no. 3/2005; (in Romanian, original title: “Rolul activ al judecătorului şi riscul abuzului de drept în procesul civil român actual- Partea a II-a - Rolul activ al judecătorului român contemporan.”).

- „The Liability of Judges - a Guarantee for Independence of Justice”, Pandectele Române no. 1/2004; (in Romanian, original title: „Răspunderea judecătorilor, garanţie a independenţei justiţiei”).

- „New Obligations Set for Traders”, „Banii Noştri”, Media On Publisher, June 2003; (in Romanian, original title: „Noi obligaţii pentru comercianţi”).

- “Digest of Commercial Laws of the World: Romania (Digest & Forms)”, Oceana Publications, Inc., New York, 2002 and 1999 Editions.

- „International Insurance Law”, co-author with C. Baiculescu, Centre for International Legal Studies, Oceana Publications Inc., February 2001.

- “Purchasing Law in Romania”, World Markets Research Centre, 2000.

Additional information:

- Partner, ACEADVISOR- Attorneys at Law

- Acting as international arbitrator under the ICC Rules, German Arbitration Institute (DIS) Rules, VIAC Rules and Rules of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CICA CCIR)

- Arbitrator listed with Court of Arbitration of AHK Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) List of Foreign Arbitrators and Georgian Dispute Resolution Centre (DRC)

- Lecturer International Arbitration LLM organised in English language, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest

- Editor in Chief of the Romanian Arbitration Journal (Revista Romana de Arbitraj), Wolters Kluwer, Kluwer Arbitration publication