Christopher Chinn
Fellow, CIArb
Gender: Male
Year of birth: 1977
Nationality: France
Type of practitioner:
Counsel, Arbitrator, Mediator
Jurisdiction(s) in which admitted to practice (if applicable):
France, United Kingdom, United States
Fields of legal expertise:
Civil law, Common law, European law, International law, Islamic law
Practice areas:
Distribution, Franchising, Joint Ventures, Cooperation, Agency (Representation), Maritime, Agriculture, Forestry, Energy and Natural Resources, Oil & Gas, Arts, Leisure, Entertainment, Tourism, Environment, Pharmaceutical, Competition, Real Estate, Construction, Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, Sales, Purchases, Consultancy Services, Corporate Law / M&A, Intellectual Property, Investment Law/ Public International Law
Contact details
69 Avenue de Saint Ouen
Paris, Paris 75017
Christopher Chinn <chris@chinnarbitration.com>
- English: Native
- French: Fluent
- Polish: Basic
Relevant arbitration experience:
Counsel since 1999 (10+ cases; ICC, LCIA, Other)
Arbitrator since 2019 (9 cases; ICC, SAKIG, KCAB, HKIAC, DIAC)
Education & certifications:
University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
JD, May 2004, Dean’s List 2002-2004, Jessup International Moot Court
University of Lyon, Jean Moulin III Law School, Lyon, France
Spring Semester 2003 French Civil Law and European Union Law Courses
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
B.A., History, May 1999, Distinction in History
Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawai'i
Diploma with Honors, June 1995
Moderator, Paris, 10 February 2023, CIArb European Branch (France Chapter) and London Branch
Joint Conference on the Impact and Future of Technology in International Arbitration, “GDPR and
cybersecurity: Document Management and Production in the Electronic Age – Is It Different
Everywhere Else?”
Christopher Chinn, “Some Reflections on Arbitration Hearings in the COVID-19 Era,” in
Arbitration Bulletin (Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, June
2021), Issue 27.
Speaker, Warsaw, 19 February 2021, SAKIG and AFM Below 40 Webinar, “Virtual Hearings in
Arbitration: Recent Experiences.”
Speaker, Paris, 22 September 2020, CIETAC China Arbitration Week 2020 Webinar, “Virtual
Meetings in the COVID-19 Era: Chinese and French/European Perspectives.”
Speaker, Istanbul, 4 December 2019, Perspectives of the Hearing: The ISTAC Approach, “Panel 2 –
Use of Evidence: Witnesses and Documents.”
Christopher Chinn, “Understanding Chinese State-Owned Entities,” in ICC Dispute Resolution
Bulletin (International Chamber of Commerce, 2019), Issue 2.
Alejandro Lopez Ortiz, Patricia Ugalde-Revilla & Christopher Chinn, “The Role of National Courts
in ICSID Arbitration,” in ICSID Convention After 50 Years: Unsettled Issues (Crina Baltag ed.,
Kluwer 2017).
Arthur Rovine and Christopher Chinn, “Balancing the State’s Regulatory Rights with the Investor’s
Jurisdictional Rights in International Arbitration,” in New Horizons of International Arbitration:
Collection of Essays 132 (Anton V. Asoskov, Alexander I. Muranov and Roman M. Khodykin eds.,
Nauka Prawa 2015).
Christopher Chinn, “Arbitration: International Justice in an Era of Globalization,” Finalist for the
Laureate of the Arbitration Academy 2011 (Prize Winning Essay), International Academy for
Arbitration Law, available at http://arbitrationacademy.org/wpcontent/
Contributor, Baker & McKenzie International Litigation and Arbitration Alerts newsletter
Grant Hanessian and Christopher Chinn, "The U.S. Model for International Class Action Arbitration,"
(2009) 75 Arbitration: The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute
Management, No.3, 400.
David Zaslowsky and Christopher Chinn, "The American Red Cross Dispute," Journal of
Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 2009, Vol. 4, No.2, 91.
Arthur W. Rovine and Christopher Chinn, "The International Arbitrator's Duty to Investigate
Conflicts: The United States Approach," Transnational Dispute Management (transnationaldisputemanagement.com), July 2008, Vol. 5, issue 4.
Christopher Chinn, "Arbitration of Antitrust Claims in the United States and Europe," (2008) 74
Arbitration: The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management,
No.4, 439.
Researched and edited leading arbitration textbook with W. Laurence Craig, International Chamber
of Commerce Arbitration, 3rd Edition, 2000.
Additional information:
-Fellow and Member of the Executive Committee (European Branch) of the Chartered Institute of
Arbitrators (FCIArb)
-Approved Faculty List of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 2020-present (Lectures for CIArb
European Branch, France Chapter and CIArb Qatar)
-AIAC Panel of Arbitrators and AIAC Academy Tutors Panel
-BICAM Panel of Arbitrators
-BVI IAC Panel of Arbitrators
-CIETAC Panel of Arbitrators
-CRCICA Arbitrator Panel
-Delos Arbitrator Network (Arbitrator)
-Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) qualified arbitrator
-eJust (Arbitrator)
-HKIAC List of Arbitrators
-JCAA Panel of Arbitrators
-KCAB Panel of Arbitrators
-New Zealand International Arbitration Centre Panel Member
-SAKIG List of Recommended Arbitrators of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of
Commerce in Warsaw
-SIAC Panel of Arbitrators
-THAC Panel of Arbitrators
-Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Arbitrator)
-Comité français de l’arbitrage (CFA)