Albertas Šekštelo
Partner, MOTIEKA
Lecturer, Vilnius University
Gender: Male
Year of birth: 1981
Nationality: Lithuania
Type of practitioner:
Counsel, Arbitrator
Jurisdiction(s) in which admitted to practice (if applicable):
Fields of legal expertise:
Civil law, European law, International law, Other law
Practice areas:
Administrative Law, Distribution, Franchising, Energy and Natural Resources, Oil & Gas, Finance and Banking, Real Estate, Construction, Engineering, Sales, Purchases, Investment Law/ Public International Law, Transport, Other
Contact details
Gynejų str. 4
Vilnius, Lithuania LT-01109
Albertas Šekštelo <>
- Lithuanian: Native
- Russian: Native
- English: Fluent
- Polish: Basic
- French: Basic
Relevant arbitration experience:
Education & certifications:
Queen Mary, University of London (Paris branch) LLM studies in International Dispute Resolution (with Distinction)
Queen Mary, University of London (post-graduate studies in International Commercial Arbitration (PGDip) (with Distinction)
Vilnius University Master Degree in Law
A co-author of articles about the Lithuanian arbitration law published in Getting the Deal Through - Arbitration 2008 and 2009 (contributing Editors Gerhard Wegen and Stephan Wilske)
Author of the publication “Application of the Interim Measures: Interplay between Courts and Arbitration and the Courts’ Competence” (in Lithuanian), Justitia 2011 m. No 2(76)
Author of the publication “Application of the Interim Measures in Arbitration: Premises and Conditions” (in Lithuanian), Justitia 2012, No 1(77)
Author of the publication “Problems of the enforcement of an arbitral award – do we need a writ of execution” (in Lithuanian), Justitia, 2014, No. 79
Author of the publication “Arbitration and the Brussels I bis Regulation: Is Status Quo Retained?” (in Lithuanian), Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia, 2015, No. 1
Author of the publication “Cartel Damage Claims case: has the European Court of Justice acted reasonably in narrowing the scope of the arbitration clause” (in Lithuanian), Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2016(2)
Author of the publication “Application of Lis pendens in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union” (in Lithuanian), Justitia, 2016, No. 80
Author of the publication “Mutual Recourse Claims of Joint and Several Co-Debtors” (in Lithuanian), TEISĖS PROBLEMOS, 2018, Nr. 2(96), ISSN 2351-6364(online)
Author of the publication “Is the Achmea Case a Predecessor of the Crisis of International Commercial Arbitration” (in Lithuanian), Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2018(IV)
Author of the publication “A Prohpecy of the Crisis of International Commercial Arbitration in Europe?” in Alexander J. Bělohlávek, Naděžda Rozehnalová, eds., Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards 2019, Czech & Central European Yearbook of Arbitration
Author of the publication “To annul or not to annul – this is the question”, 03/05/2018
Author of the publication “Award vs. the arbitration clause – another interesting situation”,, 25/09/2018
Author of the publication “Pathological arbitration clause – to be or not to be”,, 16/10/2018
Author of the publication “Whether the Courts reasonably refused to apply interim measures when the arbitration has been commenced”,, 08/11/2018
Author of the publication “Companies’ bankruptcy risks or how the law is chasing the Z-Generation”,, 18/11/2018
Author of the publication “Constitutional Separation of Powers Principle or the gray page of the Lithuanian arbitration law”,, 26/11/2018
Author of the publication “Seven myths about the Prague rules”,, 7/12/2018
Author of the publication “Marrakech Migration Agreement – the beginning of new era of safe migration”,, 20/12/2018
Author of the publication “Lithuanian Supreme Court – challenge of the award does not preclude the parties to refer the same dispute again to arbitration”, Teisė.pro, 2/1/2019
Author of the publication „Whether Arbitration will have its advantage in XXI age?”, Teisė.pro, 22/1/2019
Author of the publication “Corruption scandal of the judges and advocates – the presumption of innocence test failed”, Teisė.pro, 27/2/2019
Author of the publication “Imprisonment – a manifestly disproportionate sentence for defamation or Italian lessons to Lithuania”, Teisė.pro, 8/3/2019
Author of the publication “Divergency in the Conceil d’État lead to the breach of the European Convention on Human Rights – lessons to Lithuania”,, 30/5/2019
Author of the publication “Is it fair to return to the possibility to waive the agreement to arbitrate by litigating the dispute in the court?”, Teisė.pro, 20/8/2019
Author of the publication “Singapore Convention on Mediation – grounds for refusing to enforce”, Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2019(V)
Author of the publication “Impact of Decisions of European Court of Human Rights on International Investment Arbitration”. In Alexander J. Bělohlávek, Naděžda Rozehnalová, eds., Human Rights, Humanity and Sustainable Development from the International Law Perspective 2020, Czech & Central European Yearbook of International Law
Author of the publication “Application of the “Take-or-Pay” Clause in the Natural Gas Sale-Purchase Agreements under Lithuanian Law”, Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2020(VI)
Author of the publication “Why Ex Aequo et Bono Cannot be Used Without Parties’ Express Agreement: a Comparative Analysis”, Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2021(VII)
Author of the publication “Do Remote Hearings in International Commercial Arbitration Violate Right to be Heard and Article V(1)(d) of the New York Convention”, Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2021(VII)
Author of the publication “Parallel and Concurring Arbitration and Ways to Prevent Conflicting or Irreconcilable Awards”, Arbitration: Theory and Practice, Justitia 2023(IX)
Additional information:
Albertas Šekštelo was involved in the working group that drafted the amended Law on Commercial Arbitration of the Republic of Lithuania. Albertas put considerable input into the draft not only at the drafting stage, but also throughout entire legislative process (drafting of the reply to the comments from the Government, Court, attending the meetings at the parliamentarian committees, plenary sessions etc. Latter, Albertas was one of the members that was monitoring successful implementation of the Arbitration Law in Lithuania. Albertas even received the Certificate of Gratitude from the Minister of Justice for Albertas’ “sincere and responsible work in drafting the amendments to the commercial arbitration law, that will be very instrumental in implementing the significant changes in the litigation area”
Albertas Šekštelo reported on application of interim measures of protection on 15/11/2011 at the conference “Arbitration day 2011: Relation of courts and arbitration in solving commercial disputes”, that was organized by the Vilnius court of commercial arbitration in cooperation with Lithuanian Ministry of justice and the Lithuanian business confederation (ICC Lithuania)
Albertas Šekštelo gave a lecture “Protection of investment related to the natural gas sector reform” at the conference “Energy Independence Strategy 2020: purposes and legal ways to achieve them” under the auspices of Lithuanian branch of the European Law Students’ Association in 2012
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic “Grounds and Procedures for the Arbitrators’ Challenge in the New Law on Commercial Arbitration” at the conference “Arbitration Days 2012” held in Vilnius under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and ICC Lietuva on 21/11/2012
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic “When the Emergency Arbitrator is necessary?” at the conference “Arbitration Days 2013 Effective Arbitration: practice and opportunities” held in Vilnius under the auspices of the ICC Lithuania on 24/10/2013
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic „State-to-State and Private Dispute Resolution Mechanisms under the WTO Documents“ at the International forum of WTO law held in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, on 20/3/2014
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic „Experience of Functioning of the Free Economic Zones within the Republic of Lithuania“ at the International forum of the WTO law held in Kaliningrad Russian Federation on 20/3/2014
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic “Jurisdictional Overlap in WTO Dispute Settlement and Investment Arbitration” at the International conference of the WTO law held in Kaliningrad Russian Federation on 15/5/2014
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic “Confidentiality in Arbitration” at the arbitration conference held in Vilnius on 5/11/2014
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic “The Interim Measures Applicable Against the Debtors That Are Temporarily Living Abroad: Current Situation and Further Developments In the European Union” at the conference organized by B.I.T.A on 29/9/2016
Albertas Šekštelo moderated the panel and reporting on the topic ”Main features of the Arbitration reform in Lithuania” at the V Allerhand Dispute Resolution, Mediation and Arbitration Summit in Kraków Poland on 7/6/2018
Albertas Šekštelo moderated a panel at the conference “Place of the alternative and supplementary health care in the Lithuanian health care system” held on 1/3/2019 and organized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius University and Ayurveda academy
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic “Challenges checking potential conflict of interests in arbitration” held on 9/11/2021 at the arbitration conference“ Vilnius Arbitration Day 2021”
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic „Some Aspects of Jurisdictional Challenges in Lithuania in terms of the Respondents from Non-EU Countries“ at the 10/6/2022 International Conference „Current Challenges to Lithuanian and Ukrainian Legal Systems 2022“
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic „Treaty between Lithuania and Ukraine on Legal Assistance v.02 – mission (im)possible?“ At the International Conference „New Procedural Instruments in Post-Pandemic Reality“ held on 23/2/2023
Albertas Šekštelo reported on the topic „c“ and moderated at the conference „20 years of the Lithuanian Code of Civil Procedure – expectations and results“ held at the Academy of Science in Vilnius on 5/5/2023
Albertas Šekštelo attended the SCC Arbitration Academy in June 2023