A STAR IS BORN: Connect with the CEE Arbitration Community!

Jul 15, 2024

ArbCEE is delighted to invite you to its upcoming event in Vilnius – A STAR IS BORN: Connect with the CEE Arbitration Community! which will take place on 14 September 2024.

Connect with the vibrant ArbCEE arbitration community!

Event Highlights: 

  • Engaging Discussions: Kick off with a Chatham House Rules discussion featuring a special guest.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participate in Arbitration Speed Dating 5×8! Meet as many professionals as possible in just 40 minutes.
  • Insightful Panels: Learn how to choose arbitrators with a focus on CEE practitioners.
  • Expert Insights: Discuss institutional arbitration practices and experiences in EEA countries.

Join our half-day networking event and spend time with leading arbitration professionals from the region, including Rostislav Pekař, Veronika Korom, Patrizia Sangalli, Wojciech Sadowski, Małgorzata Surdek-Janicka, Piotr Bytnerowicz, Cătălin Alexandru, Richard Schmidt, Marcin Asłanowicz, and Peter Rižnik. 

The discussion will be moderated by Paulius Docka, Evaldas Pocevičius, Albertas Šekštelo, and Gediminas Dominas.

This event is hosted by MOTIEKA, Triniti Jurex, WALLESS, and QND LEGAL.

Agenda: https://vilniusarbitrationday.com/arbcee/

Tickets: https://fienta.com/a-star-is-born-connect-with-the-cee-arbitration-community?d5494ff83750bf1fd0e7936c9d23c122